The policy of LOKO TRANS Slovakia, s.r.o. regarding quality management, environmental protection, and occupational safety
The management of LOKO TRANS Slovakia, s.r.o., together with our employees, strives to ensure market presence through:
- Continuous development of cooperation with existing and new customers
- Maintaining the position of a reliable manufacturer, repairer, and modernizer of railway technology
- The creation and maintenance of conditions for the ECM manager’s activities concerning all ECM functions to ensure the safe operational state of freight wagons, where LTS is registered as ECM in the ERA. LOKO TRANS Slovakia, s.r.o. continuously develops a Quality, Environmental, and Safety Management System that respects the interests of all stakeholders – CUSTOMERS, OWNERS / COMPANY / STATE / REGION, SUPPLIERS, OTHER PARTNERS (investors, banks, etc.), based on the following principles:
- Consistently achieving customer satisfaction by delivering services that meet their expectations in terms of quality, price, delivery deadlines, and flexibility
- Applying and utilizing the most advanced technical knowledge and processes that support quality and safety in the implementation of products and services, while simultaneously respecting environmental protection and safety
- Create and continuously maintain conditions for the ECM manager’s activities in fulfilling ECM functions related to the management, development, and maintenance of the fleet of own freight wagons and/or those of contractual partners
- Create and continuously maintain conditions for the ECM manager’s activities in fulfilling the ECM function related to providing maintenance for both own and third-party freight wagons
- By selecting the right employees, supporting their education and personal development, and creating an environment for open communication and mutual respect, ensure the stability, satisfaction, and motivation of employees while maintaining awareness of their responsibilities
- Monitor and analyze all activities and results to make informed decisions based on facts and apply preventive measures
- Involve suppliers in achieving our goals by applying fair relationships and mutually beneficial cooperation with reliable suppliers to mutually maximize benefits
- Comply with current legal and other regulations arising from applicable legislation while continuously improving the quality management system, environmental protection, and safety control to ensure occupational health and safety (OHS)
- By improving the company’s environmental protection practices and creating conditions for pollution prevention, reducing waste and resource consumption where possible, promote regeneration and recycling as an alternative to disposal
- The company’s management is committed to fulfilling the company policy as part of the company’s philosophy aimed at the continuous improvement of the IMS and a lasting focus on customer satisfaction
- The fundamental tool for the company’s management, enabling the fulfillment of these commitments, is the integrated management system for quality, environmental protection, and occupational health and safety (OHS), developed in accordance with the requirements of standards
- ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and STN EN ISO 45001.
- This policy is the most important document of the company. All employees are required to follow it, and to fulfill it, they must achieve the specific goals of the company, which are issued as a separate document. The management of LOKO TRANS Slovakia s.r.o.:
Ing. Tibor Cvik, Managing Director
Ing. Alexandra Broszová, Managing Director ERV